Largo di Torre Argentina is a fantastic archeological site located in the middle of historic city center. I have walked by this site many times in passing on my way to see friends or just taking a walk. I have always been intrigued by this wonderful site. In 1909, the city of Rome embarked on a rebuilding project which included demolition of old structures located here at Largo di Torre Argentina. What they found here is really incredible!
What they discovered here was the remnants from the Republican era of four temples and the famous Pompey theater. Yes ladies and gentleman, this is the very spot where Emperor Julius Caesar was assassinated. Wow is what I flt when I learned this. All the time I had been walking by and I never new.
Temple A located here was built in the year 3rd century BC by Gaius Lutatius Catulus after his victory over the Carthaginians. Another Temple located here in a circular shape with six columns was built in 101BC by Quintus Lutatius Catulus. This was the Temple devoted to “Luck of the Current Day”.